Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bulldog Pride

I feel incredibly fortunate to work at an institution where there is so much for which to be proud.

Though it is now summer and things are much quieter on campus, I am still working rather long days, as it's now time to catch up on all the things I didn't get done while students and faculty were still around.

So, I've not yet worked much time into my after-work schedule for long entries here, as I tend to write just before going to bed each night -- and by the time I sit down to the computer, there's not much time to get in an entry AND get a decent night's sleep.

Thankfully, though, there are many "snippets" of information, and frankly, just under the topic of "Bulldog Pride," I could do endless entries.

Tonight, I've selected a brief video about The Renaissance Scholars at Fresno State.

Click here to see the raw feelings of accomplishment, gratitude, and optimism for the future expressed by some of the Renaissance Scholars who've just graduated.

And click here to learn more about the program.

Even if you're not a Bulldog...I dare you not to feel proud of these scholars. And proud of the people who support them.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Biker Chick Haiku

 there through thick and thin.
make me laugh, cry, and perspire.
love my biker chicks.

Monday, May 18, 2015

There's a New-to-Me Berry on the Block

A few weeks ago, I discovered these little golden-nuggets-of-yummy-ness, nestled in with the blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries at Save Mart. 
 They may look like yellow tomatoes, but they're pichuberries, a berry from the Peruvian Andes.

And they are dee-lish. They have a consistency kind of like a cherry tomato, and do have small, edible seeds, but are more firm and are both tart and sweet. Oh, and they're full of antioxidants, and have even been called the "diabetic berry," as they're thought to be very good for diabetics.

Found this article that has this recipe, and am looking forward to trying it.
Not a bad way to start summer.