Some random visuals from the Celebration of Dad's Life at the Bridgeport Barns and Terrace on October 25, 2009.
Dad's ashes had the best seat in the house...on an original BUMCO barstool up front. Just as Dad would have liked.

Flags were at half-mast all over town, and the one at the Barns was certainly the largest.

Momentos of Dad's life, set on the flag of Scotland.

Some of Dad's favorite baseball hats.

Benny Romero, owner of the Barns with wife Linda, welcomed everyone and shared a few words about Dad before turning it over to me.

I spoke for the family and did a eulogy-of-sorts.

Willard Eidson, one of Dad's best and oldest friends who was with him in the early days of his CHP career, told a great story about their early years together in Ventura.

Diane Evans spoke, too, representing his service as Mono County District 4 Supervisor; she was his campaign manager in his last campaign.

There were a lot of CHP there, including Jim Mann, one of our childhood friends, who is stationed in Mariposa.

Our best estimate?...about 500 in attendance.

Dad would have been so proud of having so many CHP there, as well as sheriff deputies from Mono County and LA County.

Lynda Pemberton and Roxanne Foley arranged all the food and drinks, and our local friends really rose to the occasion and provided quite a spread. We were blown away at their generosity and caring.

What would my dad's services be without a full hosted bar?...Lynda made sure everyone had what they wanted.

All of the dress uniforms were so, Sean and Tim Minder, childhood friends of ours, stand with another local deputy.

After the eulogy, the family toasted to Dad with a shot of Glenlivet.

Just after the toast, while Dad's favorite song, "American Pie," played, Missy gave me a big hug. I needed it after doing the eulogy.


The parking lot was full of CHP and sheriff cars.

During the 21-gun-salute, all other law enforcement officers saluted.

Good friends -- Garth, Christopher, Michelle, and Kenny.

More of Dad's fans -- John, Bill, Jason, Tim, Kenny, and Marcus.

No doubt Dad's sitting at heaven's bar with Wimp. I would imagine they're doing some fishing, too.

On behalf of Governor Schwarzenegger, a CHP chief presented Mom with a California state flag that flew over the capital on the day Dad died.

The snap of Dad that greeted folks as they was taken in Scotland in February when he was there with Mom, Jim, Missy, and Lacey. A lifetime dream that we're so glad he made come true.

More snaps of Dad -- gotta love his grin -- and a kilt in the Reid tartan that Mom wore years ago. I have a matching one that I wore when I was about's on a teddy bear now.

Jim with Lacey as we got ready for the toast. She's wearing a kilt they got her while in Scotland.

The CHP chief and Mono County Sheriff present Mom with the State flag.

The weather and scenery couldn't have been better.

Couldn't have a service for Dad without a bagpipe and "Amazing Grace," his favorite bagpipe song.

Me drinking a little liquid courage to get through the eulogy.

The CHP brought in the colors to get things started.


Flags at half-staff at the Mono County Courthouse where Dad's office was.

John and Jason Pelichowski. Thanks to Jason and Bill Jones for these pictures.

Dad's badge.

Bill Reid
December 31, 1934 - October 21, 2009
Here's lookin' up your kilt, Dad.
I just saw this news. I met Bill once or twice when I worked for MCSD quite awhile back. They were just brief conversations, but he impressed me as a one of the good ones, unafraid to tell you what he thought. He offered solutions, not problems. You have to admire a man like that.
I always thought Bill would be a great guy to go have a few beers with. Sorry for your loss, and thanks for the pictures.
And thank you for your very kind words, Anonymous....I'm finding great comfort in talking to people who knew Dad and miss him, too. Your impressions of him are much appreciated, and you're right -- he was a great guy to have a few beers with. We all miss him terribly, and have toasted to his memory quite a few times already in Rhino's.
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