The original shoot, which was supposed to be just one "sitting," was for my freelance writing website. You know....the one that has yet to be created (that's a whole 'nuther story, but the website WILL be born this year -- I've promised myself!). Since thus far I have done mainly sports writing (and mainly cycling), I wanted not only office pics, but some pics of me playing, too -- cycling and running. Here's a sample of what he came up with...see what ya think.
This is my favorite "I'm a sports journalist, and this is how cool I can look in someone else's office 'cuz I usually work at home on my dining room table, and that's not very office-like" pic. We took the office pics in the office of Pinnacle Training Systems -- you know, the owner, Felicia Gomez, is my good friend and coach. The racer-dude in the background is Tim Loper, husband of one of my racer-chick friends, Tracy. I'm pretty sure that this'll make him famous some day.

I also like this one...

We spent a lot of time in the office, as it took a long time for me to feel comfortable enough that Tomas could get some decent shots. has always been a challenge for me to take "posed" pics, and Tomas was so patient, and relaxed.
So, after the office shots, we headed to Woodward Park for some running shots. And I like these two best:

Loosening me up in the office shots took so long that we lost daylight before we could get bike shots taken, so we had to do another shoot over a week later. The first shoot had been such a good experience that I felt WAY more comfortable by this time, and I think Tomas had an easier time getting good ones....and he can really work some magic. We did some stills and action shots, and these are a few of my faves:
I like this one 'cuz he caught me smiling:

And I like this one 'cuz he caught me lookin' a little bad-ass.

I wasn't very good at this pose, but Tomas gave it a valiant try:

These, though, are definitely my faves:

So, by this second shoot, it was almost Christmas, so I got a wild hair, and asked some racer-chick friends to let Tomas take some snaps of us for my Christmas cards. It was FUN, FUN, FUN, and I think I'll have to make it an annual tradition....a different Santa-Hat-Biker-Chick pose each year! These were a few of my faves:

So there you go...a sample of my "photo shoot." Hopefully I'll get that freelance writing website done before I'm no longer recognizable in the photos....!
I love the pics and you do look badass!!!
Great pictures Kathie, I think the black and white one is my favourite.
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